Our family and the olive tree
The Christakos family and the olive tree have a long, personal history that goes back generations, not just years. The land and the trees have always been our compass, our point of reference.
The roots from the past steadily pointing to the future. The source of life not just for our unique land, but also for us. Since forever.
This tradition has never been broken, not even when our family opened up to new countries and other continents. Quite the opposite, it grew stronger.
Because with olive trees and our homeland deeply rooted in our heart and our DNA, it was only a matter of time before we heard their calling and picked it up where those before us had left it.
Welcome to our family!
My name is Efthymis
Experience is not a matter of age. It is the experiential memory of generations.
To love the gifts we received, to pass them on to future generations, better and brighter, is about knowing where we come from.
It is about seeing clearly where we want to go.
The passion to reach higher and further defines us from the very first years of our lives.
An open mind and open horizons show the way to everything new and fresh and special.
Ideas spring from the gentle sea breeze, the soil we run our hands through, the stones we leaned on. Our talks with the trees. All the trees.
The path is always there. Within us.
My name is Efthymis and these are my products!
Our vision
We believe in the power of the olive tree, of its fruit and its juice. We are inspired by our homeland and its unique gifts. We only offer the very things you’ll find on our own table every single day. We are driven by the idea of sharing with the rest of the world what we have been enjoying for generations.