Polyphenols, the magic ingredient

Polyphenols, the magic ingredient

Extra virgin olive oil is considered a superfood. And with good reason, considering that its action against serious diseases is documented. And it contributes to a long and good life.
The findings of dozens of research studies around the world support what the people where the natural juice of olives was always produced have known forever. It’s just that, now, we also have proof of how amazing extra virgin olive oil is for our health. With exquisite taste to go with it.
What makes the difference, what every single drop of extra virgin olive oil owes these properties to, are the polyphenols it contains. In fact, one of the two most important polyphenols is not contained in the olive fruit but is produced when we turn olives into extra virgin olive oil!
Naturally, the more the polyphenols, the higher the benefit for our health and for the longevity of our loved ones.
The World Health Organisation, acknowledging the significant contribution of extra virgin olive oil in the protection of blood lipids from oxidation (cause of serious conditions), allows the addition of a Health Claim on the containers of extra virgin olive oils with high phenolic content.

And we are proud that all our products are extra virgin olive oils that carry this Health Claim and protect your health!

